تخللت المظاهرات في مدينة بورتلاند الأمريكية الليلة الماضية اشتباكات جديدة بين قوات الأمن الفدرالية ومتظاهرين محتجين ضد عنف الشرطة والعنصرية.
Every night, the #WallofMoms gathers by the river before marching over to the Justice Center. Every night, this group has grown. This video doesn’t begin to do justice to how many ppl are here. Yellow shirted moms. Nurses in scrubs. Dads in orange. And so, so many more. #portland pic.twitter.com/3UdvVRlkGY
— Marissa J. Lang (@Marissa_Jae) July 25, 2020
I believe that we will win!! Is what Chicagoans are chanting !!! #Chicago #ChicagoProtest #Portland pic.twitter.com/IOwRxFkrId
— NoB1 (@NoB1konoB) July 25, 2020
A massive parade of people just marched onto SW 3rd in Portland.#Portland #PDX #WallofMoms pic.twitter.com/z6tNYO2BuX
— Ted Corcoran (Red T Raccoon) (@RedTRaccoon) July 25, 2020
This is patriotism! 🇺🇸#Portland
— Eleven Films (@Eleven_Films) July 25, 2020
They are not scared in Portland.#Portland #PDX pic.twitter.com/Vsqu8jiF3o
— Ted Corcoran (Red T Raccoon) (@RedTRaccoon) July 25, 2020
Protesters put on a light show chanting “Black Lives Matter” as a drum line plays & beach balls are tossed around the crowd. This is the largest crowd I’ve seen in the week we’ve been here #Portland pic.twitter.com/ykYxRhFYg0
— Maura Barrett (@MauraBarrettNBC) July 25, 2020
The crowd tonight in #Portland fills at least two city blocks & the city parks near the Federal courthouse. In the #WallofMoms, there’s a new theme in the signage: “Teachers Against Tyranny” + “Feds, you fail Humanity. BLM K-12” pic.twitter.com/646fqveuo3
— Maura Barrett (@MauraBarrettNBC) July 25, 2020
Black Lives Matter
— Ted Corcoran (Red T Raccoon) (@RedTRaccoon) July 25, 2020
Portland, Oregon#BlackLivesMattters #Portland #PDX pic.twitter.com/jrEl3hzF0p
LINK: https://www.ansarpress.com/english/19675